Tuesday, July 7, 2009

RHoNJ, Reid, and Real Estate

While I’ve been away tending to my family matters, I developed some new obsessions. Nobody who has read anything I’ve written about Rock Of Love Bus will be completely surprised by them. The best part? Now that my sister is living here, I have someone to share my obsessions with! We pile up on the sofa, do our nails, and get mad, swoon, and covet.

A few years ago, I watched the first season of Real Housewives of Orange County. It was what I call “laundry entertainment” which simply means that I ended up watching it as I was doing my laundry, walking back and forth to and from the laundry room and the closet. I don’t need to pay too close attention to shows like that because they don’t require a great deal of attention. (That and if you pay too close attention, you might actually be able to feel your soul rot clean away.) I didn’t watch the second season at all, nor did I watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta. I didn’t watch the first season on The Real Housewives of New York either, but I got sucked into the second season right at the end, and ended up liking Bethenny and totally taking her side over that fake Kelly. As I watched the marathon of RHoNY one Saturday, Bravo was playing previews for their new Real Housewives show which was taking place in New Jersey. And, it looked Craptastic!! So, much so that I just knew I had to watch it. And, it was awesome! What was crazy Danielle going to do and say next, crazily? Would Dina’s husband finally make an appearance? To what lengths, exactly, would Caroline go to protect her family? Would Theresa go through with getting fake bubbies? Would Jaqueline ever grow a backbone? With anyone?

Yeah, I’m not proud, but dang if it wasn’t fun while it lasted!

Then there’s my still on-going obsession: The Bachelorette. There are still two more real episodes and the Men Tell All episode (which they’d better make two hours like the rest of the shows this season or else…). I’ve only watched maybe one and a half seasons if you added together all the shows I’ve seen previous to this season, and they’ve all been in The Bachelorette seasons, because…well…25 shirtless men is better than 25 dumb girls in bikinis, to be honest. My sister and I are crushing on Reid, the neurotic Real Estate Agent from Philadelphia. He’s adorable. I can’t decide whether I want him to end up with Jillian, or whether I don’t want him to so that maybe he’ll be the next Bachelor and I can watch him for a whole other season. All I know for sure is that if he ever came near Charlotte, he may well be torn completely down the middle by two sisters fighting over him. Not my sister and me of course! But, you know, some other more irrational sisters who might be more at home on the Jerry Springer show than either Cori or I would. Yeah, those sisters, not us. Um, yeah.

Reid? Call me! And, wear your glasses when you do, mmmkay?

And, my newest obsession is House Hunters on HGTV. Oh! My! God! I have my DVR set up to record every single one, both the domestic ones and the international ones. My sister came downstairs earlier today to make a sandwich, and seeing that I was once again watching a House Hunters episode, said, “Does your HGTV play House Hunters all of the time?” Like I have a programmable HGTV! (Wait, excuse me while I ponder the possibilities…first I’d move Man Caves and that handsome devil Jason Cameron over from the DIY network, then I’d make them do Design Star all of the time instead of just for a little while in the summer…) Anyway, back to House Hunters…I’ve made it into a game: picking what house I think would be best for the buyers, picking what house I think they will buy, and then berating them from my sofa for making the most stupid choice available to them. I love it best when they have little bohemian couples on there who want to see “vintage” houses because that’s always more interesting than seeing yet another 3 bedroom, 2 ½ bath suburban house in a planned neighborhood (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

So, there you go. Aside from all the family upheavals I’ve had, this is how I’ve spent my time away. Now, it’s time for History Channel, so I’ll see you later ‘gators!


Zuzana said...

Ah, it must be fun to have house full of kids and your sister for company. I am sure it makes for some friction at times, but eventually it beats being alone.;))
I am not familiar with much of the shows, but I did watch Bachelor and Bachelorette when it was send on the TV here a few years back. I so understand how one can get addicted.;))
Glad you are back Mel and a lovely Tuesday to you as well.:)))

Heather said...

Oh, having your sister there sounds like fun! I miss having someone to live with. Toby and Ollie are good, but they don't gossip with me the way my old roomies did. And having someone to talk reality TV with is just good fun :)

Diane said...

I was addicted to House Hunters a few years ago. Now I get BEYOND aggravated when people are looking at 4,000 square foot homes and they're too small... or they don't have enough closet space.

And... you know... I just don't want to live my life that way.

Jenners said...

We went through a House Hunters obsession a few years back too.. is Suzanne Whang still the host?

And I must say, I haven't watched any of those Real Housewives shows ... but maybe I need to!

Maria said...

Busy life....so many tv shows, so little time.....

Maria said...

Busy life....so many tv shows, so little time.....

Maria said...

Busy life....so many tv shows, so little time.....